Buffalo v0.9.5 Released!


Please read through the notes to see what is new, what has been improved, and most importantly, what might be breaking changes for existing applications.

In addition to what is listed here, I recommend you read the CHANGELOG for a complete list of what has changed in v0.9.5.

How to Upgrade

# download the libraries
$ go get -u -v github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo/...

What’s New

Asset Fingerprinting

New Buffalo applications are now generated with Webpack configurations for finger printing assets. This is a technique used to aid in the caching of assets, as well as breaking those caches when assets have changed.

This works by generating a hash of a files contents and adding it to the name of the file: /assets/application.a8adff90f4c6d47529c4.css. Because of this you can now no longer use paths like /assets/application.css in your templates.

There are now three new helpers to help when dealing with assets.

The first two helpers: stylesheetTag("application.css"), and javascriptTag("application.js") will generate the appropriate CSS and JavaScript include tags, as well as find the correct file on disk.

The third helper, assetPath("images/foo.jpg"), can be used to find the path of a particular asset.

NOTE: Existing applications may need to set an AssetsBox in their actions/render.go file in the render.Options, if assets are not rendering properly. It is recommended to move the one from the actions/app.go file into there instead. This will not setup asset finger printing, but will make sure the assets render correctly. See changes https://github.com/gobuffalo/gobuffalo/commit/00673ab3446a9a7209bbd243e4594bd679c81a69#diff-c1ebdbddf205da1687721a8acd29043cR43 and https://github.com/gobuffalo/gobuffalo/commit/00673ab3446a9a7209bbd243e4594bd679c81a69#diff-25015af78e14806bd828e39a29a403fbR13 for examples.

Binary Compression

Buffalo apps that have static files embedded in them, such as templates, migrations, and assets, now have those files Gzip’d inside of the final binary. This has show significant reductions in the size of the file binary.


As we march forward to v1.0, and our next “major” release, v0.10.0, it was necessary to deprecate a few methods.

  • Both buffalo.Automatic and buffalo.Standard have been deprecated in favor of buffalo.New. Since no one was using buffalo.Standard it was decided to make things easier and move to just one initialization mechanism so buffalo.Automatic has become buffalo.New.
  • The github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo/middleware.CSRF middleware has been deprecated in favor of github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo/middleware/csrf.New instead.
  • The github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo/middleware.SessionSaver middleware has been deprecated. Instead this functionality has been baked directly into Buffalo.

Improved Pop Transaction Middleware

Previously when using the github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo/middleware.PopTransaction middleware the transaction would only be rolled back if an error was returned. Now, in addition to an error any non-successful status code (`<200 || ≥ 400`) will cause the transaction to be rolled back.

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